Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scientists indirectly detect the existence of dark matter

Dark matter
We all know what dark matter is believed to be: a never-seen, barely explainable material that holds the universe together like some kind of super-powered glue. Imagine the black coloring used to create the negative space in the iconic art of a Sin Citycomic. If the universe was a Sin City comic, that black coloring would be dark matter.
Fortunately for Frank Miller, negative space on a sheet of paper’s 2D plane is easy to observe. Unfortunately for scientists, negative space in a 3D space that doesn’t have any discernible features is fairly difficult to observe. Now, however, scientists are reporting that with the help of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) — a cosmic ray detector mounted on the International Space Station — they have found evidence of the existence of dark matter.
The AMS was sent into space around two years ago, and just today, scientists reported that it found an excess of positively charged subatomic particles, otherwise known as positrons, floating around in space. The energies of the positrons are thought to have been created when dark matter particles collided with and subsequently destroy one another. If true, this would mean the positrons are the result of the actions of dark matter, which in turn would mean scientists have observed dark matter doing things. Though we still haven’t directly observed dark matter, observing it doing things is now the closest we’ve come to confirming its existence.
Think of it like this: Your roommate has a completely opposite daily schedule as you do, and you never see her because of this. However, someone is doing the dishes and taking out the garbage every other day, and it isn’t you. So, it’s a good bet that your roommate exists.
Of course, if we did confirm the existence of dark matter, that doesn’t mean we can suddenly load it into guns and turn life into a cool sci-fi movie. However, it does mean that we’ll know what holds the universetogether, which will ultimately better our knowledge of how the universe was made, and what exactly inhabits it.
For now, the data is being researched by CERN, and more definitive results are expected down the pipeline within in the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. Confirm Dark Matter?

    With utmost sincere respect, dark matter and dark energy may be found only in some human minds. Energy is mass in motion; as the galaxy clusters move since inflation their mass decreases as their travel distance increases. Thus ALL mass and energy are accounted for.

    Dark energy and matter YOK. They simply do not exist.
    All The Mass Of The Universe Formed At The Pre-Big-Bang Singularity

    The universe is a two-poles entity, an all-mass and an all-energy poles.

    The elementary particle of the universe is the graviton. The gravitons are compacted into the universal inert singularity mass only for the smallest fraction of a second, when all the gravitons of the universe are compacted together, with zero distance between all of them. This state is mandated by their small size and by their hence weak force.

    The big bang is the shattering of the short-lived singularity mass into fragments that later became galactic clusters. This is inflation. The shattering is the start of movement of the shatters i.e. the start of reconversion of mass into energy, which is mass in motion. This reconversion proceeds at a constant rate since the big bang since the resolution of gravitons, their release from their shatters-clusters, proceeds at constant rate due to their weak specific force due to their small size.

    Graviton's Energy-Mass Dualism:

    Gravity Is The Monotheism Of The Universe
    Everything in the dictionary and in the universe - nouns and verbs objects and processes - originate and derive from the energy-mass dualism, from the ongoing constant rate conversion of mass to energy, from the ongoing resolution-release of inert gravitons, mass, leaving the clusters of the fractured seed of the universe, singularity, and becoming energy, mass in motion.

    The Graviton’s energy-mass dualism derives from its gravity, self-attraction, and its compactness.

    the propensity of the gravitons – the elementary particles of the mass of the universe - to return to their singularity state of zero motion, of compacted zero inter-particle distance.

    the default particle’s size and shape that enable zero inter-particle distance at singularity.

    This, commonsensically, therefore possibly scientifically, is the matrix of the universe.

    Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)
    Energy-Mass Poles Of The Universe

    Life is the obvious manifestation of energy-mass dualism. The sun’s energy, i.e. fast-moving mass particles, convert into slow-moving temporary mass formats…DH
