Get ready guys, because it would seem that tangentially related gaming crossovers are becoming more of a prominent strategy in the industry. Fighting games have usually participated in this strategy — most notably Capcom, throwing its Street Fighter characters in with Marvel and Tekkencharacters. Back in January, Nintendo announced that it would be mixing up Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensai characters in an upcoming RPG. Now, Valve and Capcom have joined forces to combine their respective zombie games, Left 4 Dead 2 and Resident Evil 6.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you feel about crossovers and either series), the crossover won’t be an entirely new title, like the aforementioned Fire Emblem-Shin Megami Tensaivehicle. Instead, characters from Left 4 Dead 2 will exclusively show up in the Resident Evil 6 PC release, and characters from RE6 will exclusively show up in the PC version of L4D2.
RE6 players will be able to play as L4D2 characters Coach, Ellis, Nick, or Rochelle in the RE6 mode exclusive to the PC, The Mercenaries No Mercy. Making all of your L4D2 nightmares come true, the Witch and Mini Tank will also make an appearance and pester your characters just like the good old days. In turn, RE6 enemies will appear in L4D2, which Valve developers made possible with Steam Workshop.
Now, while this crossover won’t light the world on fire and begin a new line of R4E6D2 games, Valvepartnering up with Capcom is really what is worth noting. Sure, Valve tosses just about anything into Team Fortress 2, a landscape that seems to be a wild west of low entry standards at times, but this tagteam seems odd. Perhaps it’ll lead to a bigger project somewhere down the line and Valve is just testing the waters with this character crossover
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