Friday, March 15, 2013

Saints Row 4 debut teaser trailer is insane

If you were wondering how Volition would handle the Saints Row series after THQ had to sell the developer because it went under, this debut teaser for the next installment in the series, Saints Row 4, should give you a pretty good idea. Basically, it will be more insane than the series already is.
Rather than a pseudo-parody of Grand Theft AutoSR4 is looking to remove that “pseudo” and go from parody to “whatever crazy thing we can fit on disc.” Aside from perhaps a similar graphical style, you wouldn’t know this is SR just by watching the beginning of the teaser — until the words ”Saints Row” are spelled out a couple of times.
There are super powers; characters shoot energy blasts, run at extraordinary speed while their legs crackle with electricity, and fly through the cityscape. It does, however, devolve into the Saints Rowyou know and love. There are a few shots of a BDSM-clad dominatrix, a dude’s wang covered by a black censor bar that is tactfully swinging along with the wang, and a shirtless man surfing on top of a moving car.
Saints Row 4
If that weren’t enough, a cop’s eyes bug out of his head like he’s a cartoon wolf that just saw a pretty lady walk by, and then a giant, sentient energy drink can demolishes a city as if it were Godzilla.
Saints Row has been wacky for a while — with big, purple sex toys receiving focus as many players’ main weapon in SR3 — but who even knows what in the world is going on in SR4? We can only hope that the sentient beverage can is a primary focus of the new game’s story arc, which we in turn hope is character-driven.
We’ll all get to see how Volition handles working under new management when Saints Row 4 drops on August 20 this year.

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