The dual-SIM sibling to the Samsung Galaxy S IV has been subjected to rampant testing in China. This time around we get a close look at the screen on the latest Samsung flagship and see hot it compares to the Reality display on the Sony Xperia Z and the Super AMOLED on the Samsung Galaxy S III.
The 4.99" 1920 x 1080 Super AMOLED screen on the upcoming Galaxy S IV looks to feature not only a bumped resolution but also some new tech on-board. The image below demonstrates the black level of the screen compared to the Xperia Z and Galaxy S III. The image (which was shot in close to perfectly dark room if we understand the translation correctly) was shot with a DSLR at a 15 second exposure.
The Samsung Galaxy S IV was also confirmed to have a PenTile matrix screen, although we doubt it will matter at this kind of pixel density. Samsung has gone for a completely new arrangement this time where the green sub-pixels are twice as many as the blue and red ones. More impressively, the Galaxy S IV display features very minimal gaps between the pixels - probably the smallest of any screen so far.
We also got to see some grayscale and gamma charts, which hint that the Galaxy S IV has colors that are punchier than those of its predecessor.
Then we come down to pixel level thanks to a microscope. The Galaxy S III handles fine text the worst, although the Xperia Z has a slight advantage at this zoom level. The Galaxy S IV is close enough though, so it probably won't matter in real life.
Finally we come to the screens compared in a dark room. The photos are of really low resolution sadly but will still give you a basic idea of what each screen can bring to the table. The Galaxy S IV is clearly the most pleasant screen out of the bunch.
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