Friday, May 2, 2014

"My Date Had Gas" and Other Dating Dealbreakers

Merry, 22
“My date was driving us home when a dog jumped into the road. He swerved right into it and laughed. I think the dog actually lived—but our relationship died.”

Lori, 30
“Dinner with a new guy was going great until an awful smell started coming and going. We complained to the restaurant, but they had no idea what it was. Right before we left, my date used the restroom, and our waiter came up to me. He said he knew what the smell was—my date had bad gas, which was why he was taking so long in the bathroom. That was the end of that guy. I couldn’t believe he blamed the smell on the restaurant when it was him all along!”

Katie, 30
“My date showed up at my door with a shirt for me to wear. He thought it would look sexy on me. Creepy!”

Chana, 26
“I was on a date with this guy, and we decided to take the subway to a baseball game. Then, all of a sudden, he started talking dirty to me. He had a volume control problem, so everyone around us heard him. After he stopped the raunchy talk, he told me a story about his friend and herpes—loudly, of course. I’ve never been so embarrassed.”

Catherine, 29
“When a guy I was friends with asked me out, I thought it was strange that he gave me his number on the back of an ATM receipt. During our date, I found out the real reason: He said he searches ATM booths for receipts with large balances. Then, when he meets girls, he writes his number on the back so he looks wealthy. We definitely never went on another date.”

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