Wednesday, February 6, 2013

20 Super Smart Foods

Do you want to become smarter? There is nothing easier:) You just should eat more... smart foods. Yes! Everything is as simple as that. So, what's on the menu today?
smart foods main
1. Avocado
Photo credit by The Rocketeer
You don't need to buy organic avocado - even conventional one can charge your brain!
2. Blueberries
Photo credit by pfala
This is a must-have in your menu: blueberries are the smartest food on the Earth! They reduce Alzheimer's risk, improve your learning and motor skills and work as a powerful anti-stress food!
3. Wild Salmon
wild salmon
Photo Credit by by woodleywonderworks
It improves your memory, alertness, your mood, reduce anxiety and depression! Sounds cool! But do not go crazy with it - eat small portions no more than twice a week!
4. Nuts
Photo credit by plecojan
Yum! One of my favs (after chocolate). Choose the organic ones if you need an immediate energy boost.
5. Seeds

Photo credit by flickrich
Full of proteins, beneficial fats and delicious taste this organic food can give you lots of smart energy!
6. Coffee
Photo credit by albaflickr
Yes! This aroma drink is good for your brain! It stimulates your brain activity, but be careful - do not overdose!
7. Oatmeal
Photo credit by uncommonmuse
We all are aware of benefits of whole grains - so, please do not forget to add this item to your breakfast menu!

8. Beans
Photo credit by Amelia PS

Cheap amazing food for your brain! Lots of vitamins, fiber, proteins only in few bucks! But do not eat too much - cause you can easily get few extra "cheap" kilos.

9. Pomegranate

Photo credit by terri_tu

You get a "crazy" amount of antioxidants with this one, but it's a seasonal fruit , so eat grapes, cherries and blueberries if you can't get this one

10. Brown Rice
brown rice
Photo credit by lastbeanburrito

An excellent food to sharpen your brain! Super healthy and yummy!

11. Tea
Photo credit by reya.

Great source of antioxidants - but of a caffeine as well - so you dose should not be more then 2-3 cups a day.

12. Chocolate
Photo credit by ParsecTraveller

This is my Sweet Lover. Yes and a brain booster as well, loaded with antioxidants and a perfect amount of caffeine. Also it makes you happy because of serotonin and a delicious taste;) But again, do not eat too much - cause it can make you fat easily...

13. Oysters
Photo credit by ulterior epicure

Eco-friendly sea food that can easily improve your mood and cognition! Eat up! BTW, don't forget that oysters are also powerful aphrodisiacs! Eat Up!!!;)

14. Olive Oil
olive oil
Photo credit by paul veraguth
One of the healthiest fats! Do not miss this!
15. Tuna
Photo credit by FotoosVanRobin
Great source of B-vitamins that help you to improve your memory and cognition.
16. Garlic
Photo credit by funadium
It reduces bad cholesterol, improves your cardiovascular system, contains lots of antioxidants, protects your brain and has a terrible smell:) Do not "get smart" with help of garlic before your date;)
17. Eggs
Photo credit by sir chalky
Eggs contain proteins and give an amazing energy boost for your brain for hours.
18. Green Leafy Vegetables
green leafy vegetables
Photo credit by shwaen
Healthy, tasty, must-have item in every menu. Green organic leaves can improve your organism health easily, and your brain power as well.
19. Tomatoes
Photo credit by La tartine gourmande
The natural source of lycopene, that protects your brain with help of antioxidants. Enjoy these red juicy veggies!
20. Cacao nibs
cacao nibs

One more time chocolate! It's the best!!! What can I do:) This is my love:)
Eat smart and get even smarter! Bon Appetit!
Thanks Ecosalon for the great idea:)

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